
Monday, January 13, 2014

5 måneder i Danmark

5 month video

Incase you haven't seen on facebook. Today is my 5 month anniversary with Denmark. It is a bitter sweet day because while I am so happy that I have been here for 5 months, it also marks the halway point of my exchange, meaning I am almost done. I have mixed emotions about that as well. I love my exchange and everyone in it. I would never trade this year for anything. But there are things that I miss about home as well. There is a part (However small it may be) that is wanting to see my family, but that part is over ridden by my desire and love for everything here. I love it here and may the next 5 months be as memorable as the first..

"5 måneder i Danmark..
5 months in Denmark...

I cannot beliee that it is already 5 months, that my exchange is halfway over. the oldies have left and the newbies come in a couple days... It feels like I was just getting on the plane to come to a country I had no idea about. 
I may not be the best at Danish but I think that exchange is so much more than becoming fluet in the language. While it's an important part it's not all there is. Exchange is about getting on a plane, not knowing a single person in the place you end up. It's about ending up in a country that is completely different than your own and thriving in it. Exchange is the people you meet and that become friends with because you're both homesick for the food or the hugs your mom gave. It's about the memories that you make when you spend Halloween with 100 people who've never celebrated it. Exchange is the unexpected visit with the queen and the scary first day of school. It's finding yourself where you never thought you would ever go 
Thank you to all the people who have made this first half of my year unforgetable." (my post this morning on facebook)

Friday, January 3, 2014


So me and Cameron were walking around Copenhagen when we stumbled upon Amaliengborg (a day late but we'll take it) and we noticed that there were film crews waiting around. When Cameron googled the day, it turns out that the Queen was having a Royal Banquet for all the politions and royalty of Denmark. So we decided to wait and see who showed up... and low and behold, the entire Royal Family shows up!!! Including the Queen and the Crowned Prince!!!! How lucky is that!!! We didn't even mean to be there, we were just trying to get to the Little Mermaid and we got lost!!! It is the definition of exchange. Getting lost and happening upon something that is live changing...

Godt Nytår!!!

Happy New Year!!!! (Sorry that it's a little late :3 )
New Year in Denmark is really no joke. I went to Copenhagen with some friends to spend a few hours. We tried getting to Amalienborg (the queen's house) to see the Queen's speech but ended it up getting lost and just hanging out at the Harbor to watch some of the fireworks people were shooting off.
At midnight, we made our way to the square to see the fireworks for New Years. It was so intense! They shot off fireworks for about 30 minutes (including midnight). And the fireworks weren't even being shot off by professionals, just a bunch of kids in the square shooting them off. We were wearing our flags (me and Cameron from USA and our friend Brooklyn from Canada) and people kept asking to take pictures with us because we were from the USA and Canada. We even met Rotary Exchange students that went to Ecuador last year. It was pretty interresting... Me and Cameron even got shot with a couple fireworks (We are completely alright except I have a bruise on my leg but everything is all good)
Hope you all had a wonderful New Year :)